An overview of the JEE Main exam structure, including the number of questions, types of questions (multiple-choice and numerical), marking scheme, and duration of the exam. This helps students understand the format and allocate their time efficiently during the exam.
A curated list of essential books for JEE Main preparation across Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics which will guide students to better understanding of concepts
Access to free attempt of previous years' JEE Main question paper. Practicing these papers helps students get a feel of the actual exam and identify important topics and question patterns.
Expert tips for effective study habits, time management, and exam preparation strategies. This section helps students tackle difficult topics, manage exam stress, and improve their overall performance.
What is the eligibility criteria for JEE Main?
How many attempts are allowed for JEE Main in a year?
What is the marking scheme for JEE Main?
What is the syllabus distribution in JEE Main?
How is the JEE Main score calculated?
What is a good percentile in JEE Main?
How different is JEE Main from board exams?
Should I solve all previous year papers at once?
What should be my daily study schedule for JEE Main?
How to handle stress during JEE Main preparation?
Is NCERT sufficient for JEE Main preparation?
What is the importance of mock tests?
How to improve calculation speed for JEE Main?
What is the best strategy for the last month?
What after JEE Main? How to prepare for counseling?