of combined teaching experience
personalized teaching of IIT JEE & NEET
in 13 Countries
taught by our teachers
in top IITs and NITs
shown improved learning & results
started practicing more
on Google by 95% students/parents
Student attends Live one to one class with expert Teacher
Daily practice Questions are provided to student
Homework is provided and checked by the teacher
Chapter Quizzes, Part Syllabus Tests and Full Syllabus Tests are provided in regular manner
Every two weeks, a specially assigned mentor will guide you and provide necessary feedback
Special Doubts sessions are scheduled for the student
Respective subject teacher provides student performance report to parents on monthly basis
PracBee's Personalized Learning ensures students start having fun in their classes, still learn keenly and practice daily. The classes are highly interactive and we engage each student is engaged in each class and even measure that. We track their homework and mentor bi-weekly to ensure their progress without overwhelming them.
Parents/ Students rate our teaching method 5 out of 5.
Students improve their exam score
Students start practicing more