An overview of the NIOS exam structure, including the number of questions, types of questions (multiple-choice and numerical), marking scheme, and duration of the exam. This helps students understand the format and allocate their time efficiently during the exam.
A curated list of essential books for NIOS preparation across Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics ,English which will guide students to better understanding of concepts
Who should take Admission in NIOS?
Is NIOS better than Dummy Schools?
What is Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)?
What is Open and Distance Learning system?
What is the difference between Open Schooling and Regular Schooling?
What are the Courses offered by NIOS?
NIOS offers the following programmes /courses:- Open Basic Education (OBE) Programme, which includes following three levels courses:
Whether Secondary/Senior Secondary School Certificates obtained from NIOS have the same recognition as of other Boards?
Whether a candidate passing the Senior Secondary examination from NIOS is eligible for admission in Universities and Professional Colleges?
What is the procedure for taking admission in NIOS?
NIOS has introduced 100% On-line admission at the Secondary and the Senior Secondary level in order to facilitate learners in registering themselves with it. Under this scheme, learners have three options:
What are the subjects available for the Senior Secondary Course (ClassXII)?
What is the instructional process in NIOS?
How many contact sessions do learners get?
What is Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)?
How many times is the NIOS exam held in a year?
Can NIOS students give Olympiad exams?
Yes, you can apply for OLYMPIAD exams with NIOS.
What assignments are there for NIOS students and when they have to submit?
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) class 12 students have to submit a Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA) for each subject. The TMA is available for download on the NIOS student portal. Here are some things to know about the TMA:
Students in class 12 at NIOS must take a minimum of five subjects, including one or two languages.
Can a student enroll for CBSE and NIOS at the same time?